Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Password Generators

Always look for a password that is difficult to crack and is unlikely to be easily compromised. Usually, the best method for generating a password is to select a sufficient number of characters chosen at random. The problem is that such a password is usually very hard to remember. To make random passwords more memory-friendly, another method is sometimes used, i.e., random words or syllables are used instead of random letters. We can also find users who prefer to use mnemonic phrases that have random letters as the initial of each word.Sometimes personal mnemonics are used. These involve things memorable to you, but not to others. Take this password for example: IvLwIw16. It derives from "I visited London when I was 16." It s the user s own memory and no one else s. That makes it easier to remember and harder for others to crack.A number of software programs have now been developed to generate random passwords containing a varied set of characters that include lowercase and uppercase letters as well as numerals. These are hard to crack or guess because of an optional combination of lower and upper case letters and numbers. Some of the programs give you the option to generate fixed or variable length passwords. Sometimes a high quality pseudorandom number generator is used which offers five methods for generation: a) automatic generation where the user can choose the contents, b) masked generation where the user specifies patterns describing the password, c) dictionary mode where it grabs random passwords from a file the user specifies, d) pronounceable mode for passwords that are easy to remember and e) character list mode for generating passwords comprising a chosen list of characters. All modes can choose lower-case, upper case or mixed-case letters. Some generators create purely random passwords while the others generate passwords based on wordlists. Although more secure, purely random passwords tax the user s memory. Passwords based on wordlist, on the other hand, is more memory-friendly.Password Generators provides detailed information on Best Passwords, Change Passwords, Password Generators, Password Protection and more. Password Generators is affiliated with Electronic Keyboard.

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