Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: A Guide To IPV6 Address Types

Learning IPv6 is paramount in your efforts to pass the OIOS on & 39; consideration and proceed to earn your CCNP, and it& 39;s going to help in your real world networking career as well. IPv6 can be confusing at first, but & 39; n & 39; is important as anything else & 39; in networking or Cisco as a whole - learn one hand at a time, master the fundamentals, and you are on your way to success. In our article, we will take a look at IPv6 address types.
In IPv4, a unicast address is simply an address used to represent a single host, where multicast addresses represent a group of hosts and & 39; d & 39; emissions represent all hosts.
In IPv6, & 39; n is not quite as simple as that. There are actually different types of unicast addresses & 39;, each with its own function. This enables & 39; obtain data IPv6 where it is supposed to go faster than IPv4 router while preserving resources.
IPv6 offers two types of & 39; local addresses, links local and local sites. Site-local addresses allow devices within the same organization, or a site & 39;, & 39; exchange data. Site-local IPv6 addresses of & 39; IPv4 equivalent to & 39; private address classes, since hosts using them are able to communicate with each other throughout & 39; organization, but these addresses can not be used to access the Internet.
Site-link-local and local addresses are actually derived a series of & 39; MAC address. Therefore, if HostA a HostB l & 39; IPv6 address, HostA can determine HostB MAC address from that, making it unnecessary ARP.
Link-local addresses have a range less than the local site. Link-local addresses are just that, local to a physical link. Such addresses are not used at all in data transmission. Proper use of these addresses is Neighbor Discovery, which is the answer to the & 39; IPv6 ARP.
You can identify these items and & 39; other IPv6 addresses bit by their initials:
001 - Global
address (the first 96 bits set to zero) - IPv4 address compatible
1111 1111 - Multicast
1111 1110 11 - Site local
1111 1110 10 -- Local Link
As future CCNP, you are more than familiar with & 39; IPv4 address reserved classes. You also know that these are not exactly contiguous. Developers d & 39; IPv6 took a structured approach for IPv6 addresses reserved - addresses that starts with " 0000 0000 " is an IPv6 address reserved. L & 39; one of them is & 39; l & 39; loop IPv6 address, and it gives you a little exercise with your & 39; zero compression! Loopback
IP v6: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
Using Leading zero compression Only: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Combining Leading Zero Zero and Compression::: 1
Zero compression looks pretty good now, & 39; n is it not? Simply & 39; s and accustom them to keep in mind the rules & 39;. You can use compression zero all you want, but zero compression (" double-colon ") can only be used once in a single address.
IPv6 is here to stay, not only on your CCNP OIOS and examinations, but in the real world as well. Learn & 39; aujourd hui will not only help you pass your exams Cisco, but IPv6 in supporting the & 39; future. royce jerry

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